As soon as you reach a top point of a hill or mountain, the first thing that you do (if you are an excited junkie like me) is to clear your lungs by shouting in the open air and await eagerly for a fraction of a second to listen the same from your mountain buddy that gives you a momentary feeling of bliss.
Happily, you need not always take trouble to reach such peaks every-time in order to feel such thrill, you can induce & reproduce the same by learning to imitate & innovate at many points of your usual daily life. Among many things that people love in this world, one of the primary & common things that they do is to love themselves (:p)- their own identities, interests, values & works. As an extension of this aspect of their self-love, they also love person’s whom they can reflect themselves in some part & degree or the other.
Thus, as soon as you meet some people across some points that seems to be of your own wave-length, their qualities matches your own: you just connect to them instantly (as a magnet) as if you are connected to your own (missing) self. For some people, that moment in life is also like an echo point as you feel similar momentary bliss at such point.
Moreover, over time, as you experience more life: you meet other person’s across the paths of life who reflects new aspects of your missing self carrying some new wavelengths. Gradually, you learn to appreciate things that they love. You learn to see & relate the entire points in universe in you & vice-versa. You & everything else around you become echo-points for each other.